
The ARGE Rind as an umbrella organisation is coordinating the activities of 7 cattle production communities in the federal states of Austria. Simultaneously, the organisation functions as a stakeholder for all cattle producers in Austria. The ARGE Rind also negotiates about the marketing terms and pricing conditions between farmers and customers. This in turn positively influences the development of regional quality programmes. The programmes are then optimally positioned on the market and thus available for the end customers. The commercialisation through ARGE Rind ensures not only the sale of cattle, but also provides the payment of bonuses if one takes part in special quality programmes. This, naturally, means a profit for the farms and enterprises that decide to market their products through ARGE Rind.
The organisation’s aim is to increase the added value for cattle farms.

Data and facts

In 2019, the total turnover was
262 Mio. Euros,
which are approximately 3,54% less than in 2018.

The share of meat stock sold through quality programmes made up
of the total quantity marketed in 2019.

The total quantity marketed in 2019 was
291.261 units,
2.546 units less than in 2018.

Meat stock201720182019
young bulls59.1153662.0973661.22536
young cattle12.458812.454711.8507
domestic calves71.2375974.3936173.43760
cattle suited for fattening41.7043543.5153543.53236
domestic cattle2.49322.33322.6502
breeding cattle4.60241.85621.9042
Quality programmes201720182019
organic beef and organic vealers35.5382137.5662236.04521
AMA-certificate young bulls, Premium beef, Donauland beef35.4542139.4712339.84023
quality programmes * 22.5961423.5731428.13017
standard quality49.7483046.1402742.44625



Cooperation agreement

On 29th November 1999 a cooperation agreement was concluded between BVG, EZG Steirisches Rind, Rinderzucht Salzburg and Österreichische Rinderbörse.

Association of the working group Rind

The cooperation was transferred into the association of the working group Rind on the 28th of March in 2001. Purpose of the association: The purpose of the association, whose activities are not aimed at making a profit, is to promote Austrian cattle farming. In particular, it strives to achieve following aspects:

  • advising cattle farmers on all aspects of production and marketing
  • the development and implementation of the brand programme
  • the development and implementation of quality assurance measures
Foundation of ARGE Rind

13th of September, 2004: Foundation of ARGE Rind reg. Gen.m.b.H. Founding members were BVG, EZG Steirisches Rind, Rinderzucht Salzburg, Österreichische Rinderbörse, Tiroler Viehmarketing, Gut Streitdorf. In 2005, the Raiffeisengenossenschaft Osttirol was accepted as a further cooperative member.

Quality strategy

In 2004, the quality strategy of ARGE Rind was launched in coordination with AMA marketing, as part of an umbrella brand workshop. The strategies of the ARGE-Rind umbrella organisations are being further developed until today!


2004 – 2007:


  • Cooperation with McDonalds Austria and ESCA Food Solution (today OSI Food Solution) in Enns – M-Rind (M-cattle)
  • Premium beef brand in food retailing
  • The ARGE-Infosystem was launched as an information platform for all cattle suppliers of the producer communities